Although the Spanish fashion house is more famous for its dressmaking works than for its handbags, bags and women's purses, Balenciaga bags have become iconic, and key pieces in the wardrobe of any fashion lover, like the BALENCIAGA MOTORCYCLE BAG, Balenciaga's bestseller.

At Eye Luxury Concierge, we have brand new Balenciaga luxury bags and pre-owned Balenciaga bags for sale made with premium materials and leathers. 

They are available on our site in a variety of sizes, colors, materials, and models such as the Balenciaga City Tote Bag,  Balenciaga Gossip Bag,  Balenciaga Le Cagole Shoulder Bag, Balenciaga Hourglass Bag,  Balenciaga Lindsay Shoulder Bag, Balenciaga Neo City Bag, Balenciaga Bistro Basket Bag, Balenciaga XX Flap Bag,  Balenciaga Downtown Bag, Balenciaga Cabas Bag and many more.