Fendi is still creating iconic Fendi pieces, such as the iconic Fendi handbags Fendi Baguette bag, Fendi Peekaboo bag and Fendi 3Jours bag.

At Eye Luxury Concierge, we have brand new FENDI bags, accessories, and apparel, and pre-loved FENDI bags, accessories, and apparel in perfect condition, for sale. The Fendi products are made with premium materials and leathers, being pieces that are tailored in high-quality conditions. 

On our site there is a high variety of sizes, colors, materials, and models, such as the iconic pieces FENDI Baguette Bag available, FENDI Mon Trésor Bag available, FENDI By The Way Bag available, FENDI Kan I Mini Bag available, FENDI Peekaboo Bag available, FENDI Runaway Bag available, FENDI Kan I F Shoulder Bag available, FENDI Monster Bag, FENDI Croissant Bag, and many more.